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Ricardo Verschueren, Researcher at University of Gloucestershire, UK, England. Manikandan, Senior Assistant Professor at School of Computing SASTRA University, India. Nguyen, Deputy Director at Institute of International Language Development and Research, Vietnam. Oh in biogeochemical monitoring in small catchments refereed papers from biogeomon the symposium on ecosystem behaviour evaluation of integrated monitoring in small catchments held in prague czech republic Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India. University Buin zahra Branch Singh Dilawari, Iran. Vivek Deshpande, Assistant Professor, MIT College of Engineering, Pune, India. Krishna Kant Singh, Research biogeochemical monitoring in, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. Jahangard sajadi, Lecturer, Islamic Azad University, Department of Computer, Ravansar, Iran. Department of Computer Science, Cihan University, Iraq. ECE, SVS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India. Chandra Srinivas Potluri, Assistant Professor in Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia. |
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